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Instagram’s full-screen feed testing is gone + 3 more epic digital updates

Digital Updates

August 1, 2022


WELL, we certainly weren’t expecting this! Instagram has made a huge move on its newest features which we think you will be happy to hear about (hint: it has to do with the full-screen feed testing). Let’s get straight into it cause there is a lot to unpack here!

Instagram is pulling back on its full-screen test

This is a surprise! It looks like Instagram has really been listening to everyone’s feedback because they have announced they are stopping the full-screen feed testing AND pulling back on the recommended content you see in your feed to reassess the rankings and algorithm. Basically, they’ve heard the complaints (from small biz and mega stars alike) and are willing to back off and make changes. Personally, we are so happy to see that Instagram are willing to listen to feedback and are thrilled to see they are making changes based on what users want. Are you excited to get the old feed back?

Get holiday ready with Pinterest’s latest report

Pinterest has released an amazing report sharing user insights about the upcoming holiday season! The report dives into key timelines for when you should start putting holiday content up, how audiences are shopping this year, and how they plan to celebrate the big (and little moments). It looks to be a festive season like we’ve never had before, starting from Halloween and continuing through till January. It’s a great read and incredibly helpful if you are using this platform; we highly recommend checking it out!

Check out this handy guide to LinkedIn

Ever wanted to know what content performs the best on LinkedIn? Well, a handy little infographic from the Brafton team is circulating that shows the top 5 types of content to post; blog posts, third-party content, native video, plain text, and photography and illustrations. What should you know about each type of content?

  • Blog posts- have a long-form blog but a short and sweet teaser
  • Third-party content- share things from other users! Did you see an interesting article? Share it to your feed
  • Native video- create short but informative video content such as interviews or animations
  • Plain text- switch it up a bit and share a post that is only writing. Make sure it is super valuable, such as sharing an industry insight or tip
  • Photography and illustrations- share authentic imagery that stops your audience from scrolling.

Pinterest’s newest analytics feature

Pinterest has launched real-time analytics! This super helpful feature will show you how your pins are performing at any moment. Some features are unavailable for real-time analytics, but overall, it’s another interesting way to check in on your content performance, especially in the lead-up to the holiday season!

That’s a wrap on another busy week of digital updates! We are still in shock over Instagram pulling back on their tests (especially the full-screen feed testing!), but happy they are listening! Until next time…



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