Instagram’s new updates let you enhance your engagement with Notes and you can now set specialised Reminder Ads on your feed posts and Reels so your followers never miss a thing! This week’s updates are as juicy as ever, so don’t miss out!
What’s new with Meta?
Want to boost your sales this holiday season? 🎊 Meta’s got your back. The key is to start planning early, testing different ads, and using their latest tools to reach more customers. They’ve provided their 4 step-guide that you can download here!
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What’s new with Instagram?
Add Notes to Friends’ Posts & Reels!
You can now add Notes to your friends’ posts and reels on Instagram. This will help your friends discover your posts as they’re more likely to see them if you add a Note. Also, Notes are only temporary and disappear after 3 days so you can make Notes about current trends or events! If you’re more of a private “Note-er”, never fear because only followers that you follow back will be able to see these and you can also turn off the ability to leave Notes on your posts.
Recommendations for Businesses:
If you love Notes, use these to your advantage to share customers’ posts with the rest of your audience!

Reminder Ads are New to Instagram!
Meta’s spicing up reminder ads on Instagram! The recent updates to the Instagram Marketing API provides advertisers with more flexibility and control over creating and delivering reminder ads to Instagram Feeds, Stories and Reels. With expanded targeting options and customizable delivery times, brands can now reach their audience at the perfect moment and drive higher engagement.
“Instagram reminder ads help advertisers bridge the gap between promotion and launch time by encouraging people interested to set reminders. People who opt-in receive reminders when it matters most before the event.”
Recommendations for Businesses:
Businesses can use this new feature in their Instagram Ads on their Feeds, Stories and Reels to remind customers of upcoming sales, webinars or events!

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What’s new with Google?
Google’s Confidential Matching is a new privacy-focused approach to ad targeting. It uses Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to combine Google’s data with a business’s first-party data without revealing personal information. This allows for more accurate ad targeting while addressing data privacy concerns.
What’s new with Pinterest?
Pinterest has launched a new phase of its promotional campaign. The goal is to increase awareness among potential ad partners and showcase the platform’s benefits for connecting users with their interests.
What’s new with TikTok?
👀 Tests spotted on TikTok this week:
- TikTok’s new Manage Topics feature has been released in the US. This feature allows users to personalize content recommendations in their For You feed. Users can choose to see more or less content on specific topics, giving them greater control over their viewing experience.
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📔 Other noteworthy updates or tests:
- X Launches the Beta version of their New TV App! X TV is designed to be a video-first platform, offering a similar experience to YouTube’s Connected TV app.
- YouTube Introduces New “Website Visits” Goal for Promotions YouTube has expanded its advertising options for channels with a new goal, “Website Visits,” now available for simple promotions within YouTube Studio. This allows creators to directly drive traffic to their websites from their YouTube ads.
- YouTube has officially released the “Add Yours” sticker for Shorts. This feature, inspired by similar options on Instagram and TikTok, encourages viewer participation by prompting them to create their own versions of Shorts clips.
It’s clear that Instagram is pushing Notes as a new feature. Whether or not this will lead to increased user engagement, we’ll have to wait and see! Feel free to sign up for our weekly updates here (plus so much more hot goss) so you never miss the best updates. AND don’t forget, if you do miss out you can always go back to last weeks blog posts here.
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